


Finer Womanhood

Scholarship ⚪ Service ⚪ Sisterhood ⚪ Finer Womanhood ⚪

Welcome to the home of the Washington/Alaska Zetas!

A Word from Our State Director

Welcome and greetings on behalf of the 26th International President and CEO, Dr. Stacie NC Grant, Past International Presidents, Past Regional Directors, Past and Present State Directors, the Regional Executive Board, Chapters, Zeta Amicae, Zeta Youth Auxiliaries, and the Zeta Male Network! It is my honor to welcome you to the official website of the Washington/Alaska Zetas. We are proud to be part of the Phenomenal Pacific Region, upholding the principles of scholarship, service, sisterhood, and finer womanhood. Our chapters, auxiliaries, and community partners work tirelessly to enhance the lives of those we serve, fostering a legacy of excellence and commitment.

Here, you’ll find information about our impactful programs, upcoming events, and ways to connect with our vibrant sisterhood. Whether you're a member, supporter, or visitor, we invite you to explore our site and learn more about how we continue to make a positive difference throughout the state.

Kendra Ruth Mathias

Washington/Alaska State Director